The Largest Competition TV Show On The Planet For Startups

Available on Prime Video, Facebook Series, & our custom mobile apps!

The Greatest Show On Earth Entrepreneurship

Available On Prime Video!

Also available to binge right now for free on our mobile app or Facebook series!

What Are Our Former Cast Members Saying?

We took these screenshots from a few contestants in the day or so after filming. They were unprompted and really summed up what we expect our cast to get out of this.

Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential

The Blox has helped lots of people just like you. They understand their next steps better, know more about starting a business, feel more likely to succeed, find friends in the business world, and feel more confident.

If The Blox could infuse this type of clarity, understanding, likelihood of success, community, and confidence into your venture right now—how much more successful would you be?

Clarity on Next Steps


77% reported an increase in clarity about their next steps because of The Blox

Deep Understanding of Business Essentials


80% achieved a better grasp of entrepreneurial academic subjects because of The Blox

Boosted Success Rates


33% noted an increased perceived likelihood of success because of The Blox.

Sense Of Belonging


87% felt a stronger sense of belonging to a community of entrepreneurs because of The Blox

Increased Confidence


40% experienced an increase in their confidence level as entrepreneurs because of The Blox

Where does this air?

Multiple places, depending on your preferences:

1. Available on Prime Video. Log on to your account (via TV, Phone, or Computer), head to the search bar, and type in “The Blox”. This is the best viewing experience on your TV but has no behind the scenes.

2. Facebook Watch Series. Click this link to view. This not only has the entire archive, but it also has a community to watch alongside. This is under the page name: “BetaBlox”.

3. Apple & Android Mobile Apps: Go to whichever app your phone uses and search for “The Blox”. Look for the astronaut. This is the premier viewing experience because it gives uses (a) first look at the entire series before it’s launched anywhere else, (b) thousands of hours of behind-the-scenes consultations to learn from, (c) tons of other features that are engineered to be like a co-founder in your pocket (guided meditations for entrepreneurs, binaural beats to listen to while you work, etc.). This app is free.

Is there a prize?

Yes. The current first place prize is $10K. The second and third place prize money changes from season-to-season dependent upon things like sponsors.

We are proud of the prize money but we hope it’s the last reason on a long list of reasons why you should join our community. What our cast members gain in knowledge and community is so much more lucrative than the cash prize.

When will this film?

We’re currently casting for two seasons: we do so about six months in advance.

Can I tell people I'm applying?

Mathematically speaking, getting on The Blox is challenging. So telling people you’ve applied is setting your team up for disappointment if the time is not right for your venture.

But should you get farther into the process you definitely should tell the one-to-three people on your team/family that matter to you the most. Going on TV without warning certain people in your life would be a misstep.

When you tell the people in your life what you’re coming here to do, be sure to start it off with, “I’m going on to the most educational bootcamp for entrepreneurs ever created”. This should be the basis for joining, and thus the basis for your team’s internal discussion. Obviously there are other perks of joining beyond the education…but they should be considered secondary to the world-class coaching.

What is the casting process like?

1. Fill out the form on this page.

2. There will be a request for a one-way video interview. This means you’ll use our software to record yourself answering a few basic questions about your business. The request will come to your email (and sometimes it will also ping your phone via SMS to notify you the invitation is in your email). Do not respond to these emails or text messages, they are sent via the third-party software we use to get these videos.

FYI this step should only take about ten minutes. But it’s an important one. It will only be seen by our casting team, and the coaches that you’re specifically paired with during your experience.

3. We’ll schedule a 1-on-1 phone interview with a casting director should we like the video.

4. We send out a contract.We cut roughly half of the applicants at each of the aforementioned steps.

Is this for BetaBlox or The Blox?

This is for The Blox.

The Blox does NOT cost equity. You can be at any stage, or in any industry. The time commitment is only 6.5 days. The Blox obviously coaches a lot of the same concepts from BetaBlox, but they are two separate entities run by the same executive team.

BetaBlox is our startup accelerator. It’s for tech-enabled, growth stage startups, with a lot of traction, looking for very specific mentorship designed to help them scale. It costs 5% ownership in their startup, which mutually aligns us with the success of the venture. We’ve been doing it for over a decade and are really good at it.

Again…The Blox and BetaBlox are DIFFERENT. This page is the application for the docu-series, The Blox. NO EQUITY NEEDED.

Are you looking for judges?


There are a lot of things we look for when deciding who should be a judge. Quite frankly, you know good and well if you fit this mold. Generally speaking we like to see either (a) you being at the helm of a venture that YOU founded doing over $2M in recurring revenue, or (b) you having raised over $2M for a venture that YOU founded, or (c) you having exited a business that YOU founded for over $2M. Most of our judges do far beyond those numbers, but this is a good place to set the bar before we start the interview process.

Listen up closely, we get a lot of people in our judging applicant queue that would be great contestants but because they apply to be a judge they are ignored. Don’t let this be you. Instead, come in as a contestant, win the show or use it to accelerate your revenue and then come back as a judge! Every season we have alumni that graduated from The Blox and then went out and crushed it in the real world – than came back to The Blox as amazing coaches.

Does it matter where I live or what stage of business I'm in?


We’re specifically looking for companies that are in every industry imaginable, and every stage. This means we want roughly 33% to be pre-launch, 33% to be under a quarter million in sales, and 33% at or above a million-a-year in revenue.

If you are well beyond $2M in annual sales or raised funds (or a previously successful exit), please apply to be a judge instead of a contestant. FYI, by $2M in annual sales or investment dollars raised…we literally mean that in real money….not money that you are manifesting for yourself soon into the future.

We also love telling the stories of entrepreneurs from all over the country. The more spread out our applicants, the better.

Is there a cost?

You are responsible for hard-costs. This means your flight (or gas), travel-to-and-from airport, your portion of room, banquet food, insurance, etc. The exact price is the cost of the entire week divided by the amount of people that are there. It’s that simple.

You being on the show is as good for you as it is for us. We’ve experimented with us paying for everything VS charging in a way that gets our team to breakeven. What we learned was the buy-in and accountability was 10X better from the people who had a little skin-in-the-game.

What happens when the show is done being filmed?

It’s true that The Blox is a game. A very competitive one.

But our culture isn’t.

We compare it to a sport like swimming or track & field. In those sports you’re competing alone in an effort to better your personal best times. How you do will not make the people around you perform better or worse. These aren’t games where you can interfere with others. Because of this there is a stronger sense of community and camaraderie, even against the people you’re competing against.

Building a strong community is the number one thing we vette for in the casting process. We actively look for people that exhibit red flags that they will takeaway from others’ experience, or are there for the wrong reasons, and then deny those people.

The sheer hours you’ll be spending together + having such a crazy shared experience + all being on the lonely journey that is entrepreneurship = you’ll leave with shared connections that we hope last a lifetime.

We do a handful of things to enable this after filming ends…

We have an exclusive and private Facebook group where all Blox alumni, investors, coaches, and mentors are invited. It’s incredibly active. Here are the stats from last week:

We also have what we call “Virtual Pods” which are monthly Zoom meetups where everyone goes to a large “waiting room” and are then assigned into smaller 5-ish person rooms where they discuss the difficulties of their month and bounce ideas off one another.

We also have monthly classes over Zoom where we discuss topics that augment The Blox curriculum.

Everything above is free and simply a perk of being an alumni. It’s all formally organized by our team. But beyond that there is a seemingly infinite amount of informal “linkups” & reunion events happening across the country with our alumni.

What are the main reasons I should apply?

1. Accelerated entrepreneurship education.
From a curriculum standpoint, what usually takes us about four months is crammed into a single week. Combine that with the fact that you’re surrounded exclusively by entrepreneurs, 24 hours a day, really adds gas to your entrepreneurial wherewithal.

2. Promotional reasons.
Yes, people will watch the show and hopefully follow your pages or buy your things. But this is far more guaranteed if you follow the best practices of our most successful alumni to-date. They didn’t just rely on our viewers to flood their sites. We gave them individualized trailers, feature videos, custom press templates, and proven social media copy. This tee’d them up to ensure their market, their followers, their supporters, their potential investors and clients – all knew they were making moves. From a promotional standpoint, being on this show is an alleyoop. We can throw it up near the basket, but you’ve got to dunk it.

How will my phone number be used?

We use your cell phone number in several automated ways: we use a platform called SimpleTexting to send notifications when your app has been submitted, when casting directors want to schedule interviews, and upon acceptance into the program. You can opt out at any point you want.

Terms, conditions, & privacy policy

We will use your contact information to contact you. Nothing else. Your information will never, in any capacity, be shared, sold, used for anything else. You can opt out by being contacted from us at any point.

We reserve the right to reject anyone, for any reason, at any time. Who we choose is subjective and based on a rubric that is abnormal. Normally, a TV show would only care about entertainment….and a venture capital firm would only care about invest-ability – we care about both.

We take your ideas, backstories, and IP incredibly seriously. They are zapped from this contact form to our secure database and combed exclusively by our casting team. Multiple authentification layers are used to protect said database. That said, you should not be sharing secret sauce with us. It’s unnecessary to get in. We’re looking for broad strokes, especially at this stage. You should not share anything with us that you’re not prepared to share publicly. Let this be a reminder this is a show…for public consumption. If you’re one of those people who believe their ideas are worth more than the execution – or you’re in “stealth mode” (😂) – you’re in the wrong place. This doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means this page is for people who want their business model recorded and shown to what amounts to a large amount of people.

What are the living conditiions like?

We’ve created like a mini-university campus. We rent out a large percentage of a resort/casino and their in-house theater. We take care of all ground transportation from the airport; so once you land we take you to the place where you will stay for the entire week. There won’t be any need to ever get or use a car.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are catered to the same degree as a wedding.

We want to do everything possible to keep you healthy and happy so you can fully invest in your experience. Food, privacy, and sleep are three crucial elements to that equation.

I'm not sure I want to be on TV? Or maybe I need more than just a one week long experience? What else do you offer?

Before you read any farther, PLEASE note that "BetaBlox" and "The Blox" are DIFFERENT.

Our flagship program, BetaBlox, is what launched everything in 2012. It is a multi-year long mentorship program. It starts with our exclusive academy, which is several months of classes to mark your educational foundation. From there we layer in bi-monthly phone calls with two appointed coaches who stay with you for two years. Beyond that there are vendor & supplementary program discounts. We charge by taking a total of 1.5% of your first million in sales, most of which is due only if you get to a million in sales. We think of it as a bonus for getting you to this incredibly important milestone. This allows BetaBlox entrepreneurs to put off the cash outlay of a coaching program until after their business can afford such a thing, while still getting it when they need it the most.

Important things to note:

1. BetaBlox and The Blox are different, although they're run and owned by the same team. We treat them as two very different departments. Those departments know each other, but don't formally speak to each other. Meaning, you are allowed to apply for free to both if you want - but when filling out forms and answering questions, don't assume that information you're giving to one department is sharing that with the other department. The Blox using casting directors to vette our entrepreneurs and BetaBlox uses venture analysts.

2. You may qualify for just The Blox, or just BetaBlox, or both. The Blox puts an emphasis on your desire to learn, vibrancy, and ultimately your ability to tell your story on camera. BetaBlox puts an emphasis on who we believe has the highest likelihood of earning a million dollars in sales with our coaching, the fastest - because that's when we get paid.

3. The Blox is going to obviously have an element of exposure (lightly), and more of a bootcamp-based approach to education and coaching. Meaning it's a lot, thrown at you in a very focused and challenging week. Because it's done in-person amongst a large group of fellow entrepreneurs there is also an element of community that is stronger with the Blox than with BetaBlox. On the other hand, BetaBlox's consultations are more customized because the coaches are assigned to the same teams for literal years. There are 3X as many total classes. And because the consultations are spread out, we get to hold our entrepreneurs more accountable for growth milestones. Both programs are world class. Please pick the one that is right for you. If you feel it's both, go for it.

Learn more about BetaBlox and apply for free here

We're Officially Casting For The Next Several Seasons!

Please fill out the form below. If you are a good fit, a casting director will reach out for more information. Regardless, thank you for your interest.

Approximate Time To Complete: 3 Minutes.

Do not overthink this step. We just need enough information as the basis for an eventual phone call with one of our casting directors

Not Ready To Be On Our Show? But Still Looking For Additional Programming & Mentorship?

Check out our flagship program, BetaBlox. It's a multi-year education and mentorship program designed to help early-stage ventures start to take flight! Let us help you get to your first million dollars in sales.