Create Game-Changing Apps for Mobile & Web

Navigating the App Development Journey

As an entrepreneur or non-technical founder, you have a groundbreaking app idea that can disrupt the market and revolutionize the way people interact with technology. But, turning that idea into a fully functional app can be a daunting and complex process. You may face several challenges along the way, including:

Technical Expertise

Building an app can be overwhelming without technical knowledge of programming languages, frameworks, and development tools.

Time and Resources

Balancing business operations, marketing, and other crucial tasks while managing the complexities of app development can feel like an uphill battle, or straight impossible.

Top-Notch Design

In today's competitive app market, users expect seamless, intuitive, and visually appealing experiences. Your app's design must exceed expectations,

How It Works

We Help Entrepreneurs Build Amazing Apps

We provide seamless and transparent development experience while delivering a high-quality app that exceeds your expectations.

1. Plan Your Foundation

We begin by working closely with you to plan out your app step by step. We talk through all the details and what you want to achieve. We then divide it into stages, estimate how long each part will take, and decide what's most important. This plan helps us stay on track and manage the project smoothly.

2. Enhance With Design

Our skilled design team works with you to create blueprints and mockups that show how the app will work. We keep making changes and getting your input until it looks amazing and is easy for users. Perfect for apps that need extra attention to look and feel great.

3. Develop Step-By-Step

We work flexibly, taking small steps and keeping you in the loop at every stage. You'll get regular updates and chances to see how your app is shaping up. This way, we make sure your ideas come to life, and we can make any needed improvements as we go.

4. Polish & Launch

After finishing the app, we take care of all the technical stuff, like getting it ready to go live and putting it in the app stores. We make sure your app works great, is fast, and is safe for users, so they'll have a fantastic experience when they use it.

4. Support & Maintain

We're all about long-term partnerships. Our support doesn't stop after your app goes live. We stick around to keep your app running smoothly and up-to-date with the latest tech. If you ever have issues or need updates, our team is here to help, so you can concentrate on growing your business.

Working With Us Has It’s Perks

Experience and Expertise

Our team has years of experience building apps. We know all the ins and outs to make your app stand out and work great.

Collaborative Approach

We work together with you to create your app. Your ideas and input are important to us. We'll build an app that matches your vision.

Customer-Focused Design

We design your app with your customers in mind. We listen to what they want and create an app that they'll love to use.

Quality and Reliability

Our apps are top-quality and reliable. We make sure they work well and won't let you down.

Agile Development

We develop your app in small steps, always improving and adapting along the way. Your app will keep getting better.

Timely and Cost Effictive

We deliver projects on time and without breaking the bank. You can trust us to keep things on track.

Easy Integration and Growth

Your app will fit seamlessly with your other systems. It can also grow with your business, so you can do more.

Support and Maintenance

We're not done when your app is launched. We'll be there to help with any issues and keep your app up to date.

Peace of Mind

You can truly pass off your app worries and complicated tech to us. We handle the nitty gritty and give back the precious time you need to grow.

We Make Apps Your Customers Love

Explore what our satisfied clients have to say about their journey with BuildingBlox – from idea to digital success.

"BuildingBlox helps startup founders build the right solutions that solve their customer’s problems. They will help you plan your MVP and get your app launched as quickly and efficiently as possible!"
dave robertson founder at

Dave Robertson

Founder and CEO, FlipperForce

"Our social news media platform is the foundation of our company. Without our app, we would not exist. Our success as a company has been dependent on their excellent services and support."
brittany tidwell headshot

Brittany Tidwell

Founder and CEO, Verified News Network

"We cannot begin to thank BuildingBlox enough for all of the effort and transparency they provided throughout our development process. They were absolutely phenomenal to work with. BuildingBlox is incredibly professional and their skill set is impressive. We would recommend BuildingBlox to anyone needing an app developer."

David Pochapin

Founder, Gavel It

"BuildingBlox is an absolute no-brainer! I was amazed at the amount of work, the quality, and the final product that happened in such a quick amount of time."

Meagan Beam

Founder and CEO, OTTER Reading

"BuildingBlox is an amazing software resource for our startup company. They’re smart, proactive problem-solvers who understand our customers and company opportunities. They are truthful, yet kind and always helpful (even very late at night when a website acts badly). I highly recommend!"

Ann O'Meara

Founder, Fantastic 55

We Built These Apps.
You're Up Next.

Our portfolio is a testament to the impact we've had on businesses just like yours.


The All-In-One Toolkit Built For Flips, Rehabs & BRRRR
App Development
UI/UX Design
Flipping Houses is a tricky business. Their house flipping software provides the system you need to improve improve your deal analysis, rehab estimation and rehab project management to maximize your project profitability. With nationwide access to over 150+ million properties and instant access to 99%+ of US property owners, your always making your best offer!


Building words and readers one sound at a time
UI/UX Design
App Development
OTTER Tools is a digital tool designed to help students struggling with reading and word comprehension better excel as they grow. Originally created, by OTTER Reading founder, Meagan Beam, as a physical tool where students can mix and match letters on PVC pipes, we've partnered with Meagan to bring her version into digital form and expand to more and more students.

Verified News Network

Strengthening communities through responsible social news media.
UI/UX Design
App Development
VNN is a progressive web application designed to give it's readers accurate, local news stories. We're a long ways from the newspapers of yesteryear, but with VNN we can begin to connect on-the-go with our local communities without fear of misleading information or biased reporting.


How long will it take to develop my app?


The development timeline depends on various factors, such as the complexity of your app and the features you require. We'll work closely with you to define a realistic timeline during the planning stage.

What platforms can you develop apps for?


We have expertise in developing apps for both iOS and Android platforms. Whether you need an app for one specific platform or want to target multiple platforms, we've got you covered.

Can you help with app maintenance and updates after the launch?


Absolutely! We offer post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure your app continues to perform optimally. We'll be there to address any issues, provide updates, and keep your app compatible with evolving technologies.

Will I own the app once it's developed?


Yes, once the development process is complete and you've made the final payment, you'll own the rights to the app. It's your intellectual property, and you'll have complete control over its usage.

How do we communicate and stay updated throughout the development process?


We use Basecamp, a project management tool, as our primary communication platform. It allows us to have centralized discussions, share updates, and collaborate effectively. We'll also schedule regular meetings and provide progress reports to keep you informed.

Can you integrate my app with other systems or services we use?


Absolutely! We have experience integrating apps with various third-party systems and services. Whether it's payment gateways, social media platforms, or other tools you use, we'll ensure smooth integration to enhance your app's functionality.

What if I need to make changes or add features after the app is launched?


We understand that apps evolve over time. We offer post-launch support packages that allow you to request changes or add new features as your needs evolve. We'll discuss the best approach to accommodate your app's growth.

How do I get started?


Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us using the contact form, and we'll schedule a consultation to discuss your app idea, goals, and next steps.

Let's Supercharge Your App!

Tell us about your project below. Our development team can't wait to learn about your idea and help you transform that vision into an amazing user experience that delivers real customer impact.

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Someone from the team will be in touch via email as soon as they are available.  
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